
The Doggy Tales of Arnold (Nos 1 & 4)


ISBN 978-1-52891-065-1

Carey Blyton


Carey Blyton wrote a series of ten stories about a little dog called Arnold, who had a very large bark—and after a number of abortive starts (including having one story narrated on film by Willie Rushton), two of the stories were eventually published in a single volume by Austin Macauley Publishers in 2018.

A brief but entertaining history of The Doggy Tales of Arnold can be found on the official Carey Blyton website.

In 2024, Austin Macauley reassigned the rights of The Doggy Tales of Arnold back to the Carey Blyton estate, and Fand Music Press is delighted to be able to offer copies of both the paperback and hardback versions of the two published stories. The longer term project is to publish all the stories in one new volume.

The HARDBACK, PAPERBACK and EBOOK editions may be purchased from this site.

Sample pages

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(Click to enlarge)

  Author Title
Carey BlytonThe Doggy Tales of Arnold (Nos 1 & 4)
ISBN 978-1-52891-065-1
# Author(s) Work Chapter
1Carey BlytonThe Doggy Tales of Arnold1. Arnold Makes a New Friend
24. Arnold and the Acorns

Catalogue code: Arnold14HPublished: 31st October 2018
Entry last updated: 15th July 2024