Site design and programming by Richard G. Hallas (email  or ).

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This page keeps a detailed record of changes made to this Web site. Although anyone is welcome to read it, it’s intended primarily for Fand’s own private use. If you have ended up on this page by accident, you can switch back to the public news page by clicking the Latest News button.

6th April 2024, 5:51:22 pm
Easter (April) additions (supplementary)
  • Updated the Girl Friday for easy piano page with last-minute musical corrections.
  • Added an audio rendition (synthetic) of Girl Friday.
  • Added a pair of little LiveWire award logos to the head of the news page. Clicking them goes to the award page about Fand.
3rd April 2024, 9:00:09 pm
Easter (April) additions
11th March 2024, 4:13:34 pm
Corporate LiveWire Global Awards Music Publishing Company of the Year
  • Fand is Music Publishing Company of the Year 2023–24, according to the Corporate LiveWire Global Awards. Added a news story dedicated to this, and added the new award title to the head of the News section.
12th November 2023, 4:47:24 pm
November additions
8th October 2023, 4:32:57 pm
October additions
  • Added Peter Thompson’s ’Cello Concertino and its piano reduction to the catalogue. Note for the eagle-eyed: although the two covers appear superficially identical, they actually use different versions of the same painting by the same artist (Carl Holsøe). The ’cello that appears on the cover of the full orchestral score is absent from the piano reduction!
13th August 2023, 7:35:10 pm
Sheet Music Publisher of the Year for the second time
  • Added Adrian WilliamsSoliloquy for Piano to the catalogue.
  • Fand is Sheet Music Publisher of the Year again, for the second year running! Added a news splash about this, and updated the Welcome banner at the top of the opening page to show both years.
21st July 2023, 8:26:01 pm
July additions
9th June 2023, 3:24:28 pm
June additions
5th March 2023, 11:21:10 am
Big Spring update
11th January 2023, 4:53:10 pm
YouTube-related corrections
  • A Google report alerted me to the existence of a problem with the video of the first movement of Bax’s Salzburg Sonata. It appears that the old video has been taken down, to be replaced with four new ones covering the whole work. So… added all four videos to present the entire piece. Also added approximate timings, which were not present before. (These will appear online next time I upload database changes.)
  • As a result of finding the new Salzburg Sonata videos, I also found one for The Happy Forest, which didn’t have a recording previously. So, added that video too. There’s also a video for Nympholept, but I haven’t added that one because we have our own Philip Mead performance already.